About Hedgie List Breeder Reference

Hello and thank you for your interest in participating in the Pedigree Resource!


The purpose of the Hedgie List Pedigree Resource is to help breeders and individuals keep true and accurate information for their animals. The goal is for breeders to work together to ensure that true and accurate information is shared between breeders and with customers.

The Hedgie List Pedigree Resource is purely informational related to pedigrees only. Breeders can only access information regarding pedigrees associated with their herd initials found in the prefix or suffix of an animal’s name.

Both Participating and Affiliate members have a shared interest in the accuracy and integrity of their pedigrees. Members agree to verify animals they produce and sell as a mutual courtesy to other breeders.

Data entry mistakes can easily happen even to the most diligent record keepers. The purpose of the Pedigree Resource is not to criticize or ridicule breeders that have made errors. However, when a mistake is found regarding the sire or dam of an animal that changes a pedigree, members of the group all need to have the opportunity to correct the mistake in their pedigree program. Pedigree altering changes are announced in a Notifications section available to logged in users. The Notifications are searchable so they can be used as a reference for identifying pedigree discrepancies.

Breeder Benefits

A few of the breeder benefits include:

Hedgie List Breeder Listings

  • Participating breeders will have a Premium listing in the Breeder List by State.
  • Affiliate and Participating Breeders are recognized on the Preferred Breeders page.
  • Breeders that do not wish to participate will be indicated as such so that they are not repeatedly contacted for verification purposes.
  • Registered users have access to a World Herd Initials List


Hedgie List Pedigree Resource

The database used within the Hedgie List Pedigree Resource program is called Hedgie List. Each animal in the database is assigned a Hedgie List Resource number (HLR). The HLR number is a useful search feature tool.

  • You will always have a backup of your pedigrees. Our server and database is professionally backed up on multiple levels to preserve data integrity. Breeder users can back up their own data in a .csv or .pdf export at any time.
  • Members can print pedigrees of animals associated with their herd in the Hedgie List Pedigree Resource at any time.
  • The Pedigree Resource allows health notes to be shared between owners and past owners of a particular animal.
  • Accurate pedigrees are critical in determining accurate Co efficiency of inbreeding and the Pedigree Resource assist breeders in filling in missing and inaccurate information.


Hedgie List Classifieds

  • Hedgie List Classifieds are different from other classifieds as they reflect breeders who have a commitment to quality via accuracy and integrity in their pedigrees, and in being transparent about their lineage.
  • Buyers can be assured that the breeder is investing and participating in a community that seeks to learn, grow, and improve the quality of the species we raise.
  • Breeder members have access to Breeding Stock classifieds which are not available to the general public.


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Account Types

The success and vitality of Hedgie List Pedigree Resource is dependent on the commitment of breeders to assist other breeders in the verification of animals registered in the system.  Affiliate and Participating Breeder members agree to assist other Affiliate and Participating members in verifying the accuracy of pedigrees of animals within the Pedigree Resource.

There is no charge to create an account. To create an account following the online instructions and verify your email address. Once this step is completed your account will be activated and you will receive a follow up email from Hedgie List Administration.  Please allow up to 72 hours for account updates.

Basic BreedersBasic Breeders

  • Agree to be honest and truthful with the information submitted on this website.
  • Agree to follow all laws regarding animal welfare.
  • Do not have any past or pending animal cruelty charges.


Affiliate and Participating Breeders

  • Agree to Basic Breeder Standards.
  • Agree to review unverified animals for accuracy and verify (or correct and verify) registered animals in Hedgie List.


Ambassador Breeders

  • Agree to assist other breeders by helping to answer questions in verifying and registering animals as part of the community cooperative of Hedgie List.
  • Agree to act as a representative for Hedgie List in spreading the awareness of the need for breeders to work together to create 


Levels of Participation

Basic Affiliate Participating Member
Hedgie List Breeder Listings    
Listing in Breeders By State & Providence & Herd Initial List.

*Breeder must provide proof of one successful litter.
Listing in Breeders By State & Providence & Herd Initial List. This listing includes breeder initials, business name, city & state, web site, facebook page and business logo.

*Breeder must register an offspring from one successful litter before appearing in the breeder listings.
Premium Listing in the Breeders By State & Providence, Herd Initial List & Featured Breeders. These premium listings includes breeder initials, business name, breeder's name, city & state, web site, facebook page and business logo. Each premium listing is highlighted to stand out as a participating breeder.

*Breeder must register an offspring from one successful litter before appearing in the breeder listings.
*To remain active as a Participating Breeder: one new animal must be registered each year.
Listing in World Herd Initials List Ability to view full past and present World Herd Initials List Ability to view full past and present World Herd Initials List
  Listing in Featured Breeder List. This listing includes breeder initials, business name, city & state, web site, facebook page and business logo. Premium Listing in the Featured Breeder List. The premium listing includes breeder initials, business name, breeder's name, city & state, web site, facebook page and business logo. Each premium listing is highlighted to stand out as a participating breeder.
Hedgie List Breeder Classifieds    
Ability to view Members Only Classifieds  Ability to view Members Only Classifieds  Ability to view Members Only Classifieds 
    FREE Public Hedgie List Classified listing of registered animals for sale as pets
    FREE Members Only Hedgie List Classified listing of registered animals for sale as breeding stock
    Recognition and advertising on Classified Pages.  The premium listing includes breeder initials, business name, breeder's name, city & state, web site, facebook page and business logo.
Hedgie List Pedigree Resource    
  Has animals associated with Herd Initials Has animals associated with Herd Initials
  Access to one animal at a time associated with herd initials. Full view of all animals associated with herd initials in Hedgie List Pedigree Resource
  Search for animals associated with herd initials. HLR number is required. Expanded search features.
  Ability to change animal status default to Verified, Unknown, or Conflicted pedigree Ability to change animal status default to Verified, Unknown, or Conflicted pedigree
  Ability to request breeder pedigree verification between members between members Ability to request breeder pedigree verification between members between members
Does not agree to verify registered animals Agrees to verify and/or correct information for registered animals Agrees to verify and/or correct information for registered animals
  Update DOB Update DOB, color, sire or dam (if associated with herd initials), add pictures, etc
    Logo and Animal Picture on Pedigrees
    40 Free Registrations and discounted additional registrations.
  • Breeder entry from registered sire and dam- 1 credit
  • Admin entry hard copy mailed pedigree entry - 2 credits
  • Admin entry email/digital copy pedigree entry - 3 credits
  • Credits
  • 10 / $10
  • 50 / $40
  • 100 / $75
Visit your account preferences to purchase credits,
upgrade, extend or renew your membership
    Ability to self-register purchased animals via online registration form for 3 credits
    Ability to self-register offspring of registered animals for 1 credit
  Ability to mark animals as sold to other breeders or as pets Ability to mark animals as sold to other breeders or as pets
  Ability to request .csv multi-generational export backup Unlimited self generated back-up .csv multi-generational export
  Ability to request .pdf report of registered animals, unverified animals and current herd Unlimited self generated reports for registered animals, unverified animals and current herd
  Annual renewal by breeder request Annual Update With Renewal Reminder
    USDA License or Hobby Breeder Indication
FREE FREE $40.00 Annual Fee
    Log in to upgrade account to Participating Member.

Investing Breeders

We believe the success of Hedgie List Pedigree Resource depends on the cooperation and support of its breeder members.  The leadership and direction of  Hedgie List Pedigree Resource will come from its members that are willing to invest their time and finances to support a program designed to benefit the hedgehog community as a whole.

5 year membership with unlimited registration and classifieds - $500
2 year membership with unlimited registration and classifieds - $250


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Verify Animals

Breeder Verification (Prefix)

Step 1:

Click the Edit button to take you to the next screen.

Switch to 5G Edit or Certificate

Step 2:

Double check the sire, dam, date of birth and add as much information as possible to the animal’s account. If the animal was sold it is helpful to indicate if the animal was sold as a PET (no breeding rights) or to another breeder.

Step 3:

Click the Verified button if the information is accurate. If the information is NOT accurate, breeders should use the Admin Correction or Verification button to make any Admin changes necessary.


Verification Via the Buyer

In order to maintain the highest level of data integrity, buyers are not directly able to verify an animal in the same manner a breeder can verify an animal.

1). The simplest way to verify an animal is to register (inset) an animal with an ORIGINAL breeder pedigree. In other words, the registry needs a pedigree generated by the breeder in the suffix. In the case of ABC Spike XYZ, breeder XYZ would need to submit an original pedigree from ABC. All animals produced by ABC on the pedigree would be verified at once.

2). Already registered animals can be verified by any user submitting an original pedigree with that animal on it using the Admin Correction or Verification Form. Continuing with the example above, if ABC Sonic TUV and ABC Quill are on the pedigree then both Spike, Sonic, and Quill can be verified using the same pedigree. So, the pedigree for ABC Spike XYZ can be submitted by someone who has ABC Quill in their linage and it will act as breeder confirmation that ABC Quill is correct. This is especially important for breeders who are no longer breeding or who do not wish to participate in the Pedigree Resource.

In the case of ABC Sir Quilliam XYZ TUV, ABC is the original breeder and the pedigree generated by XYZ does not act as an original breeder pedigree for verification purposes. Think of the game we played as kids called “Telephone”. The first person whispers a message in one person’s ear and then it is repeated around the circle. By the time it comes back around the message is often completely different. It is better with pedigrees because we do have hard copies to look at but I know first hand how hard it is to catch all the mistakes and then the mistakes are circulated..

Switch to 5G Edit or Certificate


Contact Hedgie List and attach file

3). Members can contact Participating and Affiliate members and ask them to verify specific animals directly. Please provide both the name and the HLR number to Participating and Affiliate members. Participating breeder members are listed under Featured Breeders. Breeders that do NOT want to verify animals directly will be removed from the list.

4). Members can contact other breeders directly and ask for an original pedigree or confirmation that a pedigree is correct and then submit the pedigree using the Admin Correction or Verification form.

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Viewing Animals Within Hedgie List Pedigree Resource

Participating breeders will have full view of all animals associated with their herd initials in the prefix or suffix.

Affiliate breeders will need a Hedgie List Resource (HLR) number for the animal associated with the animal associated with their herd initials in the prefix or suffix.

For example: TUV Sonic is out of XYZ Spike TUV and TUV Lulu. Participating Breeder TUV would see all three animals in the herd list. TUV would only be able to see the parents of XYZ Spike TUV via the pedigree of TUV Sonic.

Affiliate Breeder XYZ would need the HLR number of XYZ Spike TUV to view the pedigree.

The online pedigrees are dynamic meaning one can navigate through generations but one must have a starting animal associated with their herd initials. In this example both Participating breeder TUV and Affiliate breeder XYZ would be able to view all prior generations of XYZ Spike TUV. Affiliate breeder XYZ would not be able to see the offspring of XYZ Spike TUV.

Both Affiliate and Participating breeders can review pedigrees as often as they choose because animals within the system are verified and data is added on a regular basis.

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Organize Your Herd

There are many ways to organize herd data. Below is one method we have found helpful to streamline date for safe keeping and easy use and access. We suggest starting with your current herd as a starting point of your organization.

Create a Binder

Many breeders keep a hard copy of pedigrees in a binder to have on hand for easy reference access and for a reference during USDA inspections.

  1. Create a simple list of all the animals in your herd.
  2. If you are currently using a pedigree program, print a pedigree for each animal in your herd. We suggest putting these pedigrees in a binder alphabetically by the animal’s name.
  3. If you PURCHASED an animal, print the original pedigree and attach it to your version of the pedigree in your herd book.
  4. If you PURCHASED an animal, keep a digital copy of the pedigree in one safe spot :). If you attach an original copy to a registered animal via online submission or verification form a copy of the pedigree is saved with that animal as a reference.

Registering Your Herd

  1. Start with animals you PURCHASED in your current herd. Use the Insert an animal I PURCHASED form to add new animals. It is available to Participating members with credits in your account. This form is to register animals that you purchased from another breeder. This is NOT an automatic insertion as the Admin team needs to compare the new entry to animals already entered in the database. Please allow up to 72 hours to complete registration of a new animal that you purchased. This form requires three credits to register an animal you purchased from another breeder that is not already registered. ***
  2. Once the animals you PURCHASED are registered and in your account, you are now ready to use the Insert an animal I BRED form to add the animals you produced. Be sure to register oldest animals first in order to add their offspring.

*** When you purchase an animal from a Participating breeder, the Participating breeder can easily mark the animal as sold to you, and can assign your herd initials to the animal you purchased. The animal is automatically added to your account once the animal is marked as sold to you and your herd initials are attached to the animal. One credit is deducted from the breeder’s account but no credits are deducted from the buyer’s account.

Verify Animals in Your Hedgie List Pedigree Resource Account

  1. Print a herd list report from your Hedgie List Pedigree Resource account. We suggest using this report to compare to data in your personal pedigree program. Making changes on a paper copy of your herd list may save time when making changes in Hedgie List.
  2. Animals in your account are color coded for your convenience. The goal is to verify as many animals as possible.
    • Green - Verified animals. No further action needed unless you are able to fill in additional information to complete the record.
    • Gray - Unverified animals - if you are the breeder. Please review and check the accuracy of the information already in Hedgie List Pedigree Resource, add missing information, and verify when correct.
    • Gray - Unverified animals - if you purchased this animal. Please use the Admin Correction or Verification form to submit a digital copy of the original breeder pedigree. You may also contact an Affiliate or Participating breeder to verify an animal they produced. Please provide Affiliate breeders with the Hedgie List Registration Number.
    • White - Unknown linage. No further action need. There is no need to contact the breeder or purchaser of the animal for more information because no further information is available.
    • Pink - Conflict found in the pedigree. Please use the Admin Correction or Verification form to submit a digital copy of the original breeder pedigree.

Compare Herd Animals to Registered Animals

  1. Look at your current herd list and compare it to the list of animals in Pedigree Resource.
  2. If you herd animals are in the Pedigree Resource - celebrate! You can enter their offspring when they produce.
  3. If your PURCHASED herd animals are NOT in the pedigree resource use the Insert an animal I PURCHASED form to add new animals. It is available to Participating members with credits in your account. This form is to register animals that you purchased from another breeder. This is NOT an automatic insertion as the Admin team needs to compare the new entry to animals already entered in the database. Please allow up to 72 hours to complete registration of a new animal that you purchased. This form requires three credits to register an animal you purchased from another breeder that is not already registered. ***
  4. If the animals you PRODUCED are not in the Pedigree Resource look at the animals’ pedigree to see which animals need to be added. For example, if the sire and dam are not in the system you will need to add them first.

*** When you purchase an animal from a Participating breeder, the Participating breeder can easily mark the animal as sold to you and can assign your herd initials to the animal you purchased. The animal is automatically added to your account once the animal is marked as sold to you and your herd initials are attached to the animal. One credit is deducted from the breeder’s account but no credits are deducted from the buyer’s account.

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What if a breeder does not want to be contacted about pedigree verification from other breeders through Hedgie List?

An Affiliate, Participating, or Ambassador breeder may stop, forfeit or cancel their level of membership at any time.


What if a breeder does not want to be contacted about pedigree verification from other breeders outside of Hedgie List?

A breeder may ask that their herd initials not be associated with Hedgie List. Herd Initials on pedigrees will be flagged to indicate not to contact the breeder. Breeder herd initials and breeder references will be removed from Hedgie List website that is visible to the public. The visibility of herd initials on pedigrees will not be affected.


Are pedigrees made available to the public?

No, pedigrees are never shared with the public. Pedigree information is only shared by a member using the features available to their level of membership.


How are fees charged?

There is a membership fee for the Participating Level of membership only. Free registrations are included with membership. Members may buy additional registration credits.


What are credit fees based on?

Members can self register animals they produce for one credit. Members can submit animals for registration, for animals they purchased, for three credits. There is no charge to transfer ownership when an animal is sold.


Is this a Not For Profit Organization?

No. This organization started out as a personal, hedgehog community service project to help better the pedigrees and to share information between breeders. It was brought to our attention that the pedigree information should be made private for breeders only. Thousands of dollars were invested to create this feature and a membership system was created to help share the burden of program development. Over 15 years of time, energy, and financial support have been invested into this project out of a love for the community. It would be wonderful that in another 15 years we could break even for what I have invested and maybe gain something for our time.


Is there paid advertising?

No. There is no paid advertising. There is a Featured Breeder page to highlight our Participating and Ambassador Breeders. Our Ambassadors are also listed on our brand new Hedgie List Classifieds.


Is there a cost to list animals for sale on Hedgie List?

Hedgie List Classifieds is a free service to Participating and Ambassador Breeders.


Is there a cost to be listed as a breeder on the Hedgie List of Breeders and Rescues by State?

No. There is not. We encourage all breeders to register as a basic breeder (provided they agree to the terms of use) so that breeders can update and change their individual information.


What protection does the users or members have from Administrative abuse of information?

At this time there is no legal statement simply for the fact that there has not been anyone come forward with a user agreement for the Admin/Hedgie List to agree to, in order for that individual to participate. The whole database was created as a community service project for the betterment of the hedgehog community as a whole. Over the years we have worked with many breeders who have assisted and encouraged me. These breeders have become our friends. We value our reputation and the success of Hedgie List. We understand that misuse of data is not only unethical and harmful to other people, but it would be to the detriment of Hedgie List.


Are breeders required to participate in the Hedgie List?

No, participation in The Hedgie List is entirely voluntary.


Are breeders required to submit their whole herd information?

No, only animals that are sold as breeding stock to other breeders are requested to be registered.


Are breeders required to submit current herd information?

No. There is a feature, breeders can use to sort their animals for convenience purposes but it is not required.


How is information shared outside of Hedgie List?

Information is not shared outside of Hedgie List.


Is any information shared with the USDA or state regulating agencies?

Information is not shared outside of Hedgie List.
