Hello and thank you for your interest in participating in the Pedigree Resource!
Entering imports is extremely time consuming for everyone involved. Different methods of data entry are being used by different breeders around the world which can be complicated and confusing. The goal of Pedigree Resource is to be consistent so that when European breeders use our system it will flow smoothly between countries, just as it does with the US and Canada. All breeders identified on a pedigree in Hedgie List are referenced in the Herd Initial List.
For this example we are using: IMP HUN Beruthiel MAG NIHH. Please note **** I am using this as a real life example of data entry to Pedigree Resource. In no way, shape, or form am I belittling or criticizing anyone. It is simply a real life example. :)
HUN is used as the country on Beruthiel as IMP HUN which, by talking to other breeders, we know that it is an import from Hungary. The database sees IMP as a breeder and HUN as a breeder just like it would see MAG and NIHH as a breeder. In this example the breeder/buyer prefix/suffix “rule” is broken from the database perspective.
One can assume that MAG is the breeder. The database needs to see HUN-MAG Beruthiel NIHH. HUN-MAG needs to be identified as a breeder just like SPB-MI-DG is a breeder and NIHH is a breeder. There is an interactive, cross reference database that needs to include the breeder information. When breeder information is unknown, UNK is used.
Our ( - ) allows us to use the same initials. So SPB-MI-……. There can be lots of SPB Michigan breeders but only one with SPB-MI-DG.
This is important because there could a Dutch breeder with the herd initials HUN or by chance a past US breeder with the same initials as a European country.
More examples:
SVN WLH Monkey HUN MMI DHZ BKT should be:
Remember, WLH does not need a hyphen if it is a North American Breeder. WLH does need a hyphen if it is outside North America.
GBR-WLH would all be different breeders.
North American Breeders use SPB plus other identifying factors to indicate Small Private Breeders. Outside North America the database uses SPP plus other identifying factors to indicate Small Private Producer. Both SPB and SPP must use the other identifying factors. SPB or SPP without other identifying criteria are changed to UNK (if in North America) and country code-UNK outside North America if the individual is not known.
SPP-country three letter code-initials
At this point in time, Hedgie List Pedigree Resource does not assign NEW herd initials to new world breeders but instead uses already established reference lists from other resources. Please let us know if you find any errors or additions
Herd initials are used to identify breeders on a pedigree.
Defined by SPB-State Initials-Breeder Initials ex. SPB-TN-YZ
Primarily sells to individuals.
A small private breeder sells less than 10 animals as breeding stock to other breeders in a two year time frame. Animals sold to other breeders must be registered with Hedgie List Pedigree Resource for verification purposes.
Small private breeders (SPB) that do not register animals or use pedigrees do not need herd initials. New breeders or breeders that breed on a small scale and/or do not sell to other breeders use a unique SPB designation that includes the state and owner initials. Once a SPB reaches one of the criteria for a four letter herd designation.
**All SPB breeders must provide verification of one of the requirements for becoming a Breeder of Distinction and obtaining distinctive herd initials.
**SPB breeders are required to have a minimum of three registered animals. This equates to a sire, dam, and at least one offspring.
Defined by three or four letter Herd Initials ex. WXYZ
Large Public Breeders (LPB) are known to use three letter, four letter herd initials, or have changed from three to four letter herd initials. For the purpose of Hedgie List Pedigree Resource a breeder can choose to use either the established three-letter designation OR to change to a four-letter herd initial assignment. For example, if XYH Hedgehogs has used the herd initials XYH for years and wishes to continue using the same XYH designation, XYH will be the herd initials assigned within Hedgie List Pedigree Resource. Should XYH choose to use a four-letter designation of XYHH the change will be made within the system for free one time. Should XYHH choose to revert back to XYH a $100.00 conversion fee will be charged to the breeder.
For the purpose of the HIL the herd initials used within Hedgie List Pedigree Resource will be the primary herd initials. In the example above where XYHH was formerly XHY, XYH is listed as an a.k.a.
Consistent use of herd initials is critical to the search features of the Hedgie List Pedigree Resource.
All new LBP breeders will be assigned a four letter herd designation that is not already being used by another breeder.
There is no charge to for a SPB breeder member to convert to LPB herd initials. The SPB herd initials designation will become an aka for use as a reference.
One of the following criteria must be met to be assigned designated four letter herd initials through Hedgie List.
USDA Licensed. This is a requirement for anyone owning five or more adult females at any given point of time.
Minimum of 20 registered animals in Pedigree Resource. A minimum or 20 existing or newly added animals associated with respective herd initials in Hedgie List Pedigree Resource database. A list of registered animals in the system is available upon request. Please refer to Levels of Participation chart for pricing details.
Herd Initials Assigned by NAHHI. NAHHI and The Hedgie List are unified in our goals of improving the quality of hedgehog pedigrees in North America and promoting ethical breeding practices. Having slightly different purposes, NAHHI and The Hedgie List have some differences in criteria for assigning herd initials, but have a reciprocal agreement that initials assigned by one will be accepted by the other, and listed with both organizations. Neither NAHHI nor The Hedgie List have a reciprocal relationship with any other organization assigning herd initials and are under no obligation to accept or acknowledge herd initials assigned by any other entity.
**Herd initials for Large Public Breeders are assigned for life and cannot be used by any other breeder.
For the sake of consistency and flow in pedigree PST, AUC, SPB, and SPP are being replaced with UNK unless a specific person’s name is provided. The origin of animals with the following herd initials is unknown unless a name is provided.
Herd Initials Policy Update 2-20-21